Use this tool to organize your JetBrains software

Roberto Diaz
2 min readJan 17, 2022

When you work in Data Science projects (or software projects in general) it is important to have all your software updated. Not only this, but the installation of software is usually tedious and complicated. I’ll show you a program which I discovered recently, and helps you organize your JetBrains software.

What is JetBrains

JetBrains is a software development company which makes tools for developers. It has developed many great tools that are used daily by thousands of developers. Some of this tools are:

  • Pycharm →Probably the worlds most popular Python IDE. I use it every day and could not start a Python project without it.
  • DataSpell → An IDE integrated with Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Android Studio →The markets default IDE to build Android applications.
  • DataGrip → An IDE to manage databases. Basically it is a database client that integrates with many different databases (including MySQL, PostgreSQL, …).

What is Toolbox App

It is a really simple program that allows you to install any JetBrains software you want with just clicking a button.

This allows you to have full control of what you install in your computer and what version you have of each of this softwares.

I believe it is great to have one tool where you can see with a glance which versions and programs you have installed.


If you want to give it a try, I’ll leave it here.


I hope you give this tool a try. I don’t think it is gamechanging but it will definitely help you organize your working environments.

If you end up downloading it, let me know what you think of it!



Roberto Diaz

Data Scientist. Passionate about tech. I write about Machine Learning and Cloud Computing.